In 2006, Apple launched an ad campaign called ‘Get a Mac’ with a series of short videos on the hot debate of ‘Mac vs PC’. These videos were not about configurational comparisons or performance analysis of the two devices, but about simple quirky, and funny stories about petty conversations between a personified Mac and a personified PC. Yes, something that everyone could relate to. So, what did this campaign lead to? Well, a market share growth of 42% in the following year, record sales, and a deep favorable influence in the psyche of consumers for subsequent years to come.

As an entrepreneur or a marketer, you are bound to love the product that you are trying to sell. However, the magic happens only when you trigger a strong emotion in the minds of your potential customers as well. It could be humor, curiosity, admiration, empathy, rational justification, sensitivity, or anything else that can help your customers associate with your brand.
How do you do that? The answer lies in ‘Stories’. Since childhood, we are ingrained to love stories. The audience is too busy to hear about your product features, but if you tell them a good story, you are already inroaded to build a connection.

So, what kind of stories can work for your business? Here are some typical approaches successfully used by marketers.

The Classic Problem-Solution Stories

“Here is X. He faces all these problems because of lack of a better solution. Here is a solution and these are the reasons why it is awesome for X. This makes X a winner”. Yes, the structure might sound a bit cliche, but it works wonders because of its no-nonsense approach. If carefully crafted, the problem-solution approach connects with the right users based on their persona by establishing the need for a better solution and then introduces your business proposition to fit in like a jigsaw puzzle. Modern Explainer videos typically fall into this category of storytelling. Here is a story that highlights the proposition of an enterprise software product very effectively. Yes, stories make even tough concepts easy to understand.

Multiple Use-Case Stories

Sometimes a full-blown problem-solution approach could be an overload of content, particularly if your business solves multiple problems through its different features, verticals, or services. How about breaking it down into a campaign of chunkable content pieces that talk about different ways in which your business can help the customers?
One of my favorite campaigns with this approach has been the famous ZooZoo campaign from 2009 launched by Vodafone India.

The Founder’s Story

Why are you building what you are building? This is a story that goes back to the times when you decided to fill a gap and put on your boots to start this venture. However, the gap and the story should be something that touches people’s hearts and triggers their intellect. Such stories inspire people and help them remember you and your brand for a long-long time. We all know about the story of Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, don’t we?

Customer Validation Stories

What is better than giving your audience the cushion of trust with a happy customer’s validation? Customer testimonials or case study stories are a great way to prove that your business has already been adding value. A well-made customer validation story adds a pragmatic edge to your business proposition. Check out this lovely and simple story from a happy customer from Freshbooks.

Social Engagement Stories

Sometimes it is important to take a step back and not talk about yourselves at all. How about stories that educate your audience about something pertaining to your domain? Check out this recent snackable video campaign by Dr.Health, a renowned clinic in India, on short stories about common hair and skin-related issues. Brands across the globe have been using the power of social engagement stories and building valuable connections with their audience. Who can forget the amazing story for Mother’s Day from Procter & Gamble?

To summarize, stories are powerful, they emotionally connect with your audience, give them a better context about your business and strengthen your brand recall. Reach out to us at Wildbeez for a free consultation on how stories can empower your business.

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