If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video does that 24 times per second.

Video advertising is increasingly becoming a necessity for a business in today’s fast-paced world. Gone are the days when you would pen down tons of text in the “About Us” section of your website. A crisp video about your start-up can definitely make you go a long way in explaining what you offer to the right set of target audiences. However, there are certain things you need to get right to ensure that the impact of your video reaches its maximum potential.

So here are 5 tips you should keep in mind while making a video for your Start-up:

1. Get the appeal right:

Should the video be humorous, informative or emotional? It is very important to think about the target audience thoroughly. If humor can connect to some people, some prospective customers look for a straight forward problem-solution approach. You should always put yourself in a customer’s shoes and try to understand whether the video would appeal to him or not. While it is important to depict the salient features of your product or service, the video should not be over-boarded with information. Demographics such as age, geography, gender, profession etc along with the kind of product/service offered by you should be well considered in choosing the right appeal for the video.

2. Focus on the Elements:

Narration, music, visuals and voices are the building blocks of a video. Its very important to choose a right combination based on the appeal you want. While a product video might look good with a strong and engaging narration about the features of the product, an emotional video with just background music and a strong visual story could go viral on social media.

3. Keep it short:

Brevity is the soul of wit. With so much happening on internet, your audience will switch tabs as soon as you start stuffing them with information they don’t need. Ideally a video of not more than 90 seconds should be able to tell your message to a prospective customer.

4. Campaigns can do wonders:

If you are looking for brand retention in viewer’s minds, you can consider circulating a series of really short videos(20-30 seconds) with different use-cases about your product/service but keeping a unique appeal and structure. The advantage in this approach is the anticipation among the audience who have already seen your previous videos. This also creates an imprint of your brand deep inside the viewer’s mind and will definitely help your business in the long run.

5. Call to action:

This is one of the most underrated yet an important point. Its a good idea to ask an engaged viewer to take an action towards the end of the video. This could help your conversions multiply many folds. You can ask them to visit your website for more details or download your app from the play store. The aim of the video is not just to get appreciation but also to get more leads and customers.

So stop writing long documents about your brand and ‘Videofy’ your idea. A video of 90 seconds is all you need to tell your story to the world.